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I want to bring up the mta of the arris tm802 for NCS, but the provisioning is not correct. Does anybody succeed to bring it up? Can you paste the config file tlv or bin file here or send to my email?
Arris Cable Modem's public IP didn't open any port to access. We can only access the via the ethernet interface, but very slow. The "Advanced" menu need a password of day. I got a calculator for it, now it's attached, you need to remove the .txt extensions.
My email:
Thank you
After TFTP download and provisioning, it will sent out syslogs report. when I used SIP config file, it reported "PROV successful", but no register request sent out. It reported "PROV fail" when I using NCS config file. I doubt wether the firmware is only for SIP. Besides, it always report battery miss at the end.
Firmware Name: TS070355_092710_MODEL_7_8
MTA config file
MtaConfigDelimiter 1;
VendorIdentifier 0x0000ca;
GenericTLV TlvCode 69 TlvStringZero "XXXXX|XXX";
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevEnabled.0 Integer 1; /* true */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.1 Integer 1; /* up */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.2 Integer 1; /* up */
SnmpMibObject sipCfgProxyAdr.0 String "" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortProxyPort.0 Integer 4060;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgProxyType.0 Integer 0; /* ipv4 */
SnmpMibObject sipCfgRegistrarAdr.0 String "" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortRegistrarPort.0 Integer 5060;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgRegistrarType.0 Integer 0; /* ipv4 */
/*SnmpMibObject sipCfgSipFeatureSwitch.0 HexString 0x04808000 ;*/
SnmpMibObject sipCfgProvisionedCodecArray.0 String "PCMU;PCMA" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPacketizationRate.0 Integer 20; /* twentyMilliSeconds */
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortUserName.1 String "08111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortDisplayName.1 String "08111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortLogin.1 String "08111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortPassword.1 String "08111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortUserName.2 String "09111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortDisplayName.2 String "09111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortLogin.2 String "09111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortPassword.2 String "09111" ;
MtaConfigDelimiter 255;
Hi, it should be
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.9 Integer 1; /* up */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.10 Integer 1; /* up */
I had tried SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.9 and 10, but not work
1) I see you set sipCfgPortProxyPort.0 Integer 4060; when it probably should be 5060
2) the mta wont try to register immediately. From memory it will wait a random time up to 15 or 30 minutes. However if you pickup the handset it will force immediate registration. Or you can set the MWD mib to force this to be faster eg enterprises.4491. Integer 30; /* MaxWaitDelay (MWD) 30sec */
3) what provisioning mode are you trying to use eg full packetcable 1.5, BASIC.1, Arris GUPI MAC etc ?
4) what dhcp option 122 values are you using for cm and mta offers?
5) what did you set arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator.0 to in the cm config file ?
6) what does the MTA event log say? (in the HTTP GUI)
7) If you get really stuck, it is possible to telnet to the Arris from the LAN side and then watch the boot process logs scroll past on the screen, as this will sometimes give you the clue as to why registration is not working or config file is being rejected etc. Gives a lot more detail than looking in the HTTP GUI logs
1) sipCfgPortProxyPort.0 is not the problem, because no sip register request can be observed in proxy server.
2) I tried to pick up the phone, but still not work. If I added enterprises.4491., it report MTA PROV fail.
3) Do you mean the DHCP 122.6? I set the it as "BASIC.2".
4) I didn't set the arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator in cm config file, must it? What is the default setting?
122.1 IPAddress
122.2 IPAddress
122.3 FQDNOfProvEntity
122.4 Integer 101,21,5
122.5 Integer 16,16,5
122.6 Domain BASIC.2
122.7 Boolean false
122.8 ProvTimer 5
6) I have attech the http GUI logs, pls rm the .txt and decompression it, to see if there is something wrong.
7) Can not telnet to the cm from LAN side. I used nmap to scan the port at, only 80 is open. How can you do that?
telnet available! by adding arrisCmDoc30AccessTelnetPassword into cm config file!
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=7 reason=WRONG_VALUE
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID 7/Unsatisfied dependency / WRONG_VALUE (
[WARNING] [PACM.CFM(pid=348)]: SNMPAIF_SetTLV11Config failed in parsing TLV11 block (status = -1)
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
[WARNING] [PACM.PROVISION(pid=303)]: added Error OID (null)/Unsupported OID (
[INFO] [PACM.SNMP(pid=303)]: Populate Error OID value=(null) reason=Unsupported OID
why all the OID are wrong?
I will look at your troubleshooting in detail when I can find a few spare minutes.
However a quick glance shows it looks like you are trying to do PacketCable BASIC.2 provisioning. If this is the case, you have include the pktcMtaDevConfigHash in the MTA config file. PacketACE can do this for you. If you use the linux docsis editor its more complex you have to compile config file, take the SHA1 hash, put into config file, recompile.
From memory you can get around this requirement by switching to the very similar ARRIS BASIC.2 method, which does not need the hash. To switch to that mode, set arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator.0 to 7 in the cm config file.
I'll see if I can find some time to type up a bit of a summary of the various Arris provisioning methods, and the various cm and mta config file and dhcp options for each.
I use docsis-0.9.6 to compile it, and sha1sum command to calculate the hash. I tried that if didn't add the pktcMtaDevProvConfigHash.0, a different report appear in the telnet logs. Is there any crucial tlv to be set in cm? I tried to set arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator.0 to 7, but still not work.
Message type = 2
[mta0] error, Plugin rejected Config
[INFO] [PACM.DHCP(pid=362)]: DHCP plugin: Got OFFER
[INFO] [PACM.DHCP(pid=362)]: DHCP : Calling Option 122 parser
[INFO] [PACM.DHCP(pid=362)]: DHCP plugin: Received prov server fqdn address type
[WARNING] [PACM.DHCP(pid=362)]: DHCP plugin: rejecting offer that does not match strongest flow (3 retries)
[WARNING] [PACM.DHCP(pid=362)]: DHCP plugin: Rejecting offer (rc = -1)
[mta0] debug, Sending discover...
[WARNING] [PACM.DHCP(pid=362)]: DHCP plugin: Using TI implementation of option 43
[mta0] debug, found a plugin option
This isnt anything wrong with your config, I see this same log on my TM722 and TM802. I believe its some sort of bug in the Arris code. It rejects the offer 3 times and then accepts it on the 4th go. I've reported this fault to Arris, but haven't had much in the way of feedback from them.
Yes, I feel strange for rejecting 3 times but accepting on the 4th, whatever I did, the result always was the same, and it didn't accept the arris tlvs in the follow. Is it the same to you?
I found the answer to this today.
"When using non SECURE provisioning, the MTA will attempt to provision using SECURE mode (as required by PacketCable specifications) three(3) times before accepting another provisioning method. The MIB object for provisioning the number of SECURE retry attempts via DHCP is arrisCmDoc30SetupDhcpRetries."
I changed this to 0 and now my MTA boot up much faster
arrisCmDoc30SetupDhcpRetries OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"DHCP Retries during provisioning. This MIB object controls the number of times
the MTA will ignore the received, non-Secure (Basic or Hybrid) DHCP OFFER while
waiting for a Secure flow DHCP OFFER. The value of this MIB object controls the
value of the CLI parameter PACM_CONFIG_PROV_DHCP_RETRIES."
::= { arrisCmDoc30Setup 12 }
I finally got around to writing up some notes on Arris MTA provisioning. The PacketCable steps also apply to other vendors.
You need to follow the correct Arris MTA provisioning steps.
First thing you need to do is decide which provisioning method to use. An incomplete list is :
1) PacketCable SECURE, HYBRID.1/2, BASIC.1/2
6) Arris BASIC.1
7) Arris BASIC.2
The PacketCable methods have the advantage of being vendor agnostic, you do not lock yourself to a single MTA vendor.
* PacketCable SECURE is very complex and would only be used by a commercial provisioning system like Cisco BAC or Incogneto BCC
* PacketCable HYBRID is moderately complex, although it's not too hard to write some perl/python scripts to drive this type of provisioning.
* PacketCable BASIC is slightly complex. Just some basic scripting needed to secure the MTA configs.
* Arris BASIC.1/2 is similar to PacketCable BASIC, except it eliminates the pktcMtaDevConfigHash. This method was the was available in earlier firmware's but its not available in latest 7.3+. As such I don't think it has much future and is probably best to avoid.
* Arris GUPI MAC MTA is very simple provisioning, but doesn’t provide security of the MTA configs. Probably suitable only for MTA testing / trials. Vendor specific to Arris.
* Arris GUPI ENCRYPTED MAC MTA is a good trade-off for very simple provisioning while still providing good security of the MTA configurations. Vendor specific to Arris.
You inform the MTA which provisioning method to use by setting ArrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator in the CM config file. Set this to one of the numbers from above. If you don’t specify anything, the MTA will default to PacketCable 1.5 style. If you specify option 1 the MTA will use PacketCable 1.0 style.
During MTA registration, the MTA advertises the supported PacketCable version (1.5 or 1.0) and supported provisioning modes (BASIC, HYBRID, SECURE) in DHCP DISCOVER Option 60. The provisioning server responds with the selected PacketCable provisioning mode in DHCP Option 122 sub-option 6.
Here's some information on how to provision each of the different methods :
For option 1 (PacketCable HYBRID):
CM config file :
arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator.0 = 1 (or nothing)
CM offer must include :
1 = subnet mask
2 = time offset (optional)
3 = gateway
4 = TOD server
6 = DNS server(s)
7 = log server(s)
122.1 = primary DHCP server IP
122.2 = secondary DHCP server IP (optional)
122.6 = HYBRID.1 or HYRBID.2
siaddr: CM TFTP server IP
file: CM filename
MTA offer must include :
1 = subnet mask
2 = time offset (optional but recommended)
3 = gateway
4 = TOD server (optional but recommended)
6 = DNS server(s)
7 = log server(s)
12 = hostname (CNR : "@use-macaddress" in the client-class, not policy. ISC : probably can use "host-decl-name"?)
15 = domain name
122.3 = FQDN of Provisioning Server (PS). (This is where the SNMP INFORMs are sent)
122.6 = "HYRBID.1" or "HYBRID.2"
Hint: for CNR you set option 122 like this "(provisioning-server 3 (flag 0; provisioning-server FQDNHERE.))(kerberos-realm 6 HYBRID.2.)"
MTA config file :
MTA learns which file to download via an SNMPset from the PS.
MTA learns the SHA1HASH of the file via an SNMPset from the PS.
This would be a full MTA config file per-user, including line username/passwords. (Insecure!)
If you did want to go down this road I would suggest you generate the file on demand with a random filename.
Have a cleanup script to purge such files older than eg 15 min
This would be a base vendor-specific template that enables MTA features, but doesn't include any user-specific data.
This user-specific data is sent through later in the provisioning via SNMPset commands.
Hint : On Arris MTA, you would put ppCfgMtaCallpFeatureSwitch = 0x4000 or similar into the MTA config (to enabled DSX/Access DQoS for voice calls)
Summary of steps (HYBRID.1):
- MTA starts booting
- MTA sends pktcMtaDevProvisioningEnrollment INFORM to the PS. This identifies the IP / MAC / Vendor / Model etc
- PS works out which complete MTA config file to send. SNMPsets TFTP URL to the MTA as "pktcMtaDevConfigFile"
- PS takes a SHA1HASH of the file. SNMPsets this to the MTA as "pktcMtaDevProvConfigHash"
- MTA grabs the file and validates against the hash
- MTA sends linkUp to PS
Summary of steps (HYBRID.2):
- MTA starts booting
- MTA sends pktcMtaDevProvisioningEnrollment INFORM to the PS. This identifies the IP / MAC / Vendor / Model etc
- PS works out which base vendor-specific MTA config template to send. SNMPsets TFTP URL to the MTA as "pktcMtaDevConfigFile"
- PS takes a SHA1HASH of the file. SNMPsets this to the MTA as "pktcMtaDevProvConfigHash"
- MTA grabs the file and validates against the hash
- MTA sends pktcMtaDevProvisioningStatus INFORM to the PS
- PS SNMPsets the line details (username, password etc) to the MTA
- MTA sends linkUp to PS
For option 1 (PacketCable BASIC):
CM config file :
arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator.0 = 1 (or nothing)
CM offer must include :
1 = subnet mask
2 = time offset (optional)
3 = gateway
4 = TOD server
6 = DNS server(s)
7 = log server(s)
122.1 = primary DHCP server IP
122.2 = secondary DHCP server IP (optional)
122.6 = BASIC.1 or BASIC.2
siaddr: CM TFTP server IP
file: CM filename
MTA offer must include :
1 = subnet mask
2 = time offset (optional but recommended)
3 = gateway
4 = TOD server (optional but recommended)
6 = DNS server(s)
7 = log server(s)
12 = hostname (CNR : "@use-macaddress" in the client-class, not policy. ISC : probably can use "host-decl-name"?)
15 = domain name
122.3 = FQDN of provisioning server. (This is where the SNMP INFORMs are sent)
122.6 = "BASIC.1" or "BASIC.2"
siaddr: MTA TFTP server IP
file: MTA filename
Hint: for CNR you set option 122 like this "(provisioning-server 3 (flag 0; provisioning-server FQDNHERE.))(kerberos-realm 6 BASIC.2.)"
MTA config file :
For PacketCable BASIC you have to make sure you include the pktcMtaDevConfigHash on the config file.
PacketACE can do this for you. But if you are using the linux docsis editor it is more complex
(you have to compile config file, take the SHA1 hash, put into config file, recompile)
With BASIC.1
This would be a full MTA config file per-user, including line username/passwords. THIS IS VERY INSECURE!
Smart people could access the TFTP server and grab usernames/passwords from the files stored there.
Really this method is only suitable for very initial testing of MTA etc during a voice rollout.
With BASIC.2
This would be a base vendor-specific template that enables MTA features, but doesn’t include any user-specific data.
This user-specific data is sent through later in the provisioning via SNMPset commands.
Hint : On Arris MTA, you would put ppCfgMtaCallpFeatureSwitch = 0x4000 or similar into the MTA config (to enabled DSX/Access DQoS for voice calls)
Summary of steps (BASIC.1):
- MTA starts booting
- MTA grabs per-user MTA config file using “siaddr” and “file” in DHCP offer
- MTA validates against the hash found inside the file
- MTA sends linkUp to PS
Summary of steps (BASIC.2):
- MTA starts booting
- MTA grabs base vendor-specific MTA config file using “siaddr” and “file” in DHCP offer
- MTA validates against the hash found inside the file
- MTA sends pktcMtaDevProvisioningStatus INFORM to the PS
- PS SNMPsets the line details (username, password etc) to the MTA
- MTA sends linkUp to PS
For option 6/7 (ARRIS BASIC):
Same as PacketCable BASIC, but you do not need to include the pktcMtaDevConfigHash.
For option 9/10 (ARRIS GUPI):
CM config file :
arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator.0 = 9 or 10
CM offer must include :
1 = subnet mask
2 = time offset (optional)
3 = gateway
4 = TOD server
6 = DNS server(s)
7 = log server(s)
122.1 = primary DHCP server IP
122.2 = secondary DHCP server IP (optional)
siaddr: CM TFTP server IP
file: CM filename
MTA offer must include :
1 = subnet mask
2 = time offset (optional but recommended)
3 = gateway
4 = TOD server (optional but recommended)
6 = DNS server(s)
7 = log server(s)
12 = hostname (CNR : "@use-macaddress" in the client-class, not policy. ISC : probably can use "host-decl-name"?)
15 = domain name
122.6 "THIS-IS-IGNORED" <-- For D2 Arris, you dont need 122 at all. Seems required for D3 even though the value is ignored.
siaddr: MTA TFTP server IP
MTA config file :
Doesn't need pktcMtaDevConfigHash.
MTA filename is automatically derived from MTA MAC address eg tftp://MTA_TFTP_IP/0015xxxxxxxx.bin (probably would have been better if Arris had used some sort of hashing algorithm to split this into subdirs…. only really a problem though if you had many tens of thousands of config files. And in that case you can probably afford BAC or BCC)
This would be a full MTA config file per-user, including line username/passwords. THIS IS VERY INSECURE!
Smart people could access the TFTP server and grab usernames/passwords from the files stored there.
Really this method is only suitable for very initial testing of MTA etc during a voice rollout.
Still a full MTA config file per-user, but this time the MTA config file is encrypted (with the MTA public certificate).
The MTA is able to decrypt the file after downloading
Hint : On Arris MTA, you would put ppCfgMtaCallpFeatureSwitch = 0x4000 or similar into the MTA config (to enabled DSX/Access DQoS for voice calls)
Summary of steps (GUPI MAC):
- MTA starts booting
- MTA gets the TFTP server IP from the offer
- MTA generates a filename based on the MTA MAC
- MTA grabs per-user MTA config file from TFTP server
Summary of steps (GUPI ENCRYPTED MAC MTA):
- MTA starts booting
- MTA gets the TFTP server IP from the offer
- MTA generates a filename based on the MTA MAC
- MTA grabs encrypted per-user MTA config file from TFTP server
- MTA decrypts the config file
Phew, that was a fair bit of typing. Hope that helps!
hi mbowe, are you sure the arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator belong to CM config file? I try this OID, but the cm didn't accept it. Or use the arrisCmDevProvMethodIndicator instead? But previous I used it and try nearly all the values but not work.
What I want is BASIC.2 flow. I though that The dhcp options you list has been contain in my setting. you can see it in the attachment file "packet capture with wireshark" above.
arrisCmDevProvMethodIndicator was superceded by arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator quite a while ago (v4.2)
Your wireshark shows all the DHCP appears correct
The MTA is grabbing it's config file, and then is failing to provision, saying there are problems with the file.
Your next step should be to post your config file here so we can look for errors.
If you can't work out which commands are breaking the config (watching the bootup via telnet will normally give you the answer), I would suggest you just start off with something really simple, and then add in extra commands bit by bit.
For example a basic file would be something like :
MtaConfigDelimiter 1;
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevEnabled.0 Integer 1; /* true */
SnmpMibObject pktcSigDefCallSigTos.0 Integer 40 ;
SnmpMibObject pktcSigDefMediaStreamTos.0 Integer 46 ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgProxyAdr.0 String "x.x.x.x" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgProxyType.0 Integer 0; /* ipv4 */
SnmpMibObject sipCfgRegistrarAdr.0 String "x.x.x.x" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgRegistrarType.0 Integer 0; /* ipv4 */
SnmpMibObject ppCfgMtaCallpFeatureSwitch.0 Integer 16384 ; /* hex 4000 */
/* LINE 1 */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.9 Integer 2 ; /* down */
SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallWaitingDelay.9 Integer 30;
/* Hardcode them in for testing, but for production you would snmpset these later
as this avoids the security risk of having username/passwords in the file
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortUserName.1 String "1111111111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortDisplayName.1 String "1111111111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortLogin.1 String "1111111111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortPassword.1 String "somepassword" ;
/* LINE 2 */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.10 Integer 2 ; /* down */
SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallWaitingDelay.10 Integer 30;
/* This has to be the last line before MtaConfigDelimiter 255
1. Remark this out
2. Compile
3. sha1sum the compiled file
4. Unremark and enter the sha1sum
5. Compile again
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevProvConfigHash.0 HexString 0xb5f9edc8a5e122f26270f166131661fd6565f9ad; */
MtaConfigDelimiter 255;
Thank you for your suggestion. My config file is as follow. It looks the same as yours, (and I am sure that the sha1sum is correct, because I tried not used sha1sum, it will report the error and print the reason in telnet screen.) most of the tlvs which belong to Arris mibs are rejected, only 'pktcMtaDevEnabled' and 'ifAdminStatus' which belong to packetcable1.5 mibs are accepted. I doubt that the mib which download from your website can not be used for TM802 Cable modem. Had you ever bring up a tm802 cable modem before?
MtaConfigDelimiter 1;
SnmpMibObject arrisMtaDevProvMethodIndicator.0 Integer 7;
SnmpMibObject arrisMtaDevPacketcableProvisioningFlow.0 Integer 7;
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevEnabled.0 Integer 1; /* true */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.9 Integer 1; /* up */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.10 Integer 1; /* up */
SnmpMibObject sipCfgProxyAdr.0 String ";4060" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgProxyType.0 Integer 0; /* ipv4 */
SnmpMibObject sipCfgRegistrarAdr.0 String ";5060" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgRegistrarType.0 Integer 0; /* ipv4 */
SnmpMibObject sipCfgSipFeatureSwitch.0 HexString 0x04808000 ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgProvisionedCodecArray.0 String "PCMU;PCMA" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPacketizationRate.0 Integer 20; /* twentyMilliSeconds */
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortUserName.9 String "08111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortDisplayName.9 String "08111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortLogin.9 String "08111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortPassword.9 String "08111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortUserName.10 String "09111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortDisplayName.10 String "09111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortLogin.10 String "09111" ;
SnmpMibObject sipCfgPortPassword.10 String "09111" ;
MtaConfigDelimiter 255;
Well to me it sounds like your modem firmware isnt SIP? You are saying it fails any of the sipCfg.... mibs?
Via the Arris web page, my firmware looks like this SW_REV: 7.3.97.SIP and this TS070397_042811_MODEL_7_8_SIP
And snmpget of the sysDescr.0 looks like this
STRING: ARRIS DOCSIS 3.0 / SIP 2.0 Touchstone Telephony Modem HW_REV: 2; VENDOR: Arris Interactive, L.L.C.; BOOTR:; SW_REV: 7.3.97.SIP; MODEL: TM802G
My arris information from http access:
Hardware Information
System: ARRIS DOCSIS 3.0 / PacketCable 1.5 Touchstone Telephony Modem
VENDOR: Arris Interactive, L.L.C.
SW_REV: 7.3.55
Serial Number: AAXBPU336222358
Battery Charger FW Rev: 01.60
Firmware Build and Revisions
Firmware Name: TS070355_092710_MODEL_7_8
Firmware Build Time: Mon Sep 27 18:45:23 EDT 2010
Could you tell me whether is it a SIP firmware? If not, can you share me a configuration for ncs created by packetace? I tried below config file, but not work. Does arris has its own ncs mib?
MtaConfigDelimiter 1;
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevEnabled.0 Integer 1; /* true */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.9 Integer 1; /* up */
SnmpMibObject ifAdminStatus.10 Integer 1; /* up */
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevCmsIpsecCtrl.0 Integer 2;
SnmpMibObject ppCfgMtaCallpFeatureSwitch.0 HexString 0x00A67B;
SnmpMibObject pktcMtaDevEnabled.0 Integer 1;
SnmpMibObject pktcSigDefCallSigTos.0 Integer 0;
SnmpMibObject pktcSigDefMediaStreamTos.0 Integer 0;
SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentId.9 String "";
SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentId.10 String "";
SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentUdpPort.9 Integer 2727;
SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigCallAgentUdpPort.10 Integer 2727;
SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigMWD.9 Integer 10;
SnmpMibObject pktcNcsEndPntConfigMWD.10 Integer 10;
MtaConfigDelimiter 255;
My guess is your Arris has NCS firmware installed
But sorry I have no experience with NCS
All I can suggest is try loading a recent SIP image such as 7.3.97 or 7.3.99
I think I have to suspend it for some days. Although still not solve the problem, Thank you very much for your guide!
I want to automate the MTA config file generation, what do you recommend the best way to do that is. What is the binary format used when creating the file. Utilizing the Gupi mac prov method