does not balance upload traffic - trunk interface |

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does not balance upload traffic - trunk interface

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does not balance upload traffic - trunk interface
Image icon SFP.PNG145.21 KB


I have a CMTS casa systems where I configure a trunk interface

interface trunk 1
xgige 6/1 mode active
xgige 6/2 mode active
xgige 7/1 mode active
ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
ipv6 dad enable
no shutdown

When I check the traffic, I see that the used downstream bandwidth is similar in the 3 interfaces, but the upstream bandwidth is higher in only one of the interfaces, in the upstream it is not balancing the traffic

I attach an image where you can see the difference in the mikrotik equipment graph where I connect the CMTS interfaces

sfp 3/3
Inbound: Current: 415,18 Mb (the upload traffic in this interface is much higher)
Outbound: Current: 3.18 Gb

sft 4/4
Inbound: Current: 156,28 K ( the expected value is 138 Mb more or less )
Outbound: Current: 3.26 Gb

sft 5/5
Inbound: Current: 128,32 K ( the expected value is 138 Mb more or less )
Outbound: Current: 3.18 Gb

What could be causing this ?

CASA-C100G#show version
Running Image: SMM_8x10G Rel 8.6.1, Ver 1,build8181, Thu Jan 16 22:42:44 EST 2020,(relmgr)
Image booted from: nvram, File name: ccsi.gz.rel8.6.1.1_build8181
Casa RMI_BootLdr: Major 12, Minor 4 Build 11

Running Image: SMM_8x10G Rel 8.6.1, Ver 1,build8181, Thu Jan 16 22:42:44 EST 2020,(relmgr)
Image booted from: nvram, File name: ccsi.gz.rel8.6.1.1_build8181
Casa RMI_BootLdr: Major 12, Minor 4 Build 11

CASA-C100G#show system
Product: C100G, System Uptime:9 d, 0 h, 43 m, 39 s
Chassis Serial_No: C100GDPAF5537
System Time: Mon Jan 23 20:32:38 UTC 2023
128MHz, 3 PPM Crystal Clock

Module 6, Master SMM_8x10G, Status ACTIVE
Major rev 1, Minor rev 4
Serial_No: SB11CE6S0086
CFE version 12.4.11
Uptime: 9 d, 0 h, 42 m, 38 s

Module 7, Slave SMM_8x10G, Status STANDBY
Major rev 1, Minor rev 4
Serial_No: SB11CG7S0237
CFE version 12.4.11
Uptime: 9 d, 0 h, 43 m, 40 s


from reviewing release notes, case opened in 8616 and resolved in 8643

case opened in 8616 and resolved in 8643

The version of firmware installed is ccsi.gz.rel8.6.1.1_build8181

Where can I see more details of what you mention about the open and resolved case

The solution is update the version of firmware ?

release notes

under resolved issues;
136639 Defect:
Possible service
A problem has been observed where a trunk interface intermittently failed to
report throughput counter statistics even with uninterrupted traffic flow and with
no generated logs. Casa has added additional logging information to help
diagnose the problem in the future

149221 Defect:
Possible service
A case was reported where the SNMP casaIpTrunkGroupOutOctets counter
was not reliably incrementing when the object was queried along with other
objects from the same MIB table. The counters reported in the show interface
trunk stat command output incremented continuously and were not affected. A
fix has been applied to the SNMP logic correct a race condition which was
preventing incremental updates when querying multiple objects from the same
MIB table.

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